The St. Michael's Veterans Center is located at 39th Street and Emanuel Cleaver Blvd. Rendering courtesy of 4Sight Construction Group.
A local team recently took home an impressive award for its work on the St. Michael’s Veterans Center of Kansas City. The Veterans Center was awarded the 2016 National Apartment Association “Excellence Award” in the Best Community, Specialty, Affordable category. This national award recognizes the multifamily housing industry’s top communities and celebrates builders, and industry professionals that make unique contributions to the industry.
The project was awarded in large part thanks to its service-centric approach, as it provides targeted and specific resources to veterans with special needs, physical, mental and emotional impairments, or veterans facing imminent risk of being homeless.
The St. Michael's Veterans Center serves homeless veterans; veterans with special needs, physical, mental and emotional impairments; or veterans facing imminent risk of being homeless. Rendering courtesy of 4Sight Construction Group.
The 24-acre St. Michael’s Veterans Center Campus is located at 39th Street and Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Phase I includes 58 units and Phase II includes 59 units and a supportive service center, designed to empower veterans toward healthy reintegration with their families and communities by providing safe, permanent housing and supportive services.
The project team includes 4Sight Construction Group, Yarco Company Inc., Rosemann & Associates PC, Landworks Studio, SK Design Group,, and US Bank.